The Power of Creative Constraints to Lead, Connect, and Inspire
As the creator of the internationally renowned Six-Word Memoir® concept, Larry Smith is a trailblazer in the art of short, sharp, memorable storytelling. In a high-energy, content-rich session, Smith will share his own journey about how his grandfather, Morris “Smitty” Smith, a small town pharmacist, inspired his love of storytelling and taught him why our stories are the most valuable asset we have. Smith will share how he discovered the surprising power of the creative constraint of just six words and offer the UNAC/UHCP simple, accessible instruction about how to use short-form storytelling to connect with patients and co-workers. At the end of the session, he will lead the group in an interactive six-word prompt asking all to articulate, “Why do I do what I do?” in exactly six words. In 75 minutes, everyone will learn an immediately applicable tool to connect with patients, motivate teams, and define internal and external goals. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: At completion of this session, the participant will be able to:
Larry Smith is the founder and editor of SMITH Magazine and SMITH Teens. SMITH Magazine is best known for launching the Six-Word Memoir® project, which is a bestselling series of seven books and a global phenomenon. Anticipating the microblogging explosion, SMITH originally launched the Six-Word Memoir project in November 2006 in partnership with Twitter with a simple challenge: “Can you tell your life story in six words?” Larry has been called “On a quest to spark the creativity of others,” in Oprah Magazine,one of the “most interesting people of the day” on CNN, and has been interviewed on storytelling and the wild success of the Six-Word Memoir project as a form of personal and professional self-expression on NPR, The CBS Early Show, The New York Times,and elsewhere; visit SMITH Magazine’s Six-Word Memoir press page. Larry speaks on the power of personal storytelling and how to engage both internal teams and external customers and audiences; he has been invited to work with groups at Twitter, Dell, Shutterfly, ESPN and Google, nonprofits, foundations, and schools across the country. He’s a frequent speaker at conferences ranging from ESPN’s Storytelling Summit, PopTech, and the AARP Convention and teaches the class, “What’s Your Story: How to Deliver an Authentic Elevator Pitch” in private sessions and on-site at companies of all description and sizes. |